Take the "Jesus: true or false" test
Jesus said:
- "anyone who has faith in me ...
will do even greater things than these".
Was he telling the truth, or lying? ___
- "My sheep know My voice and HEAR it..."
Was he telling the truth, or lying? ___
- "...and they will not follow another".
Was he telling the truth, or lying? ___
- "these signs shall accompany those who believe..."
Was he telling the truth, or lying? ___
- "Come to me... and you will receive rest... for my burden is light."
Was he telling the truth, or lying? ___
We suggest that in all of these matters (and all others) he was of course telling the truth.
So, IF we really believe all this, then WHY AREN'T WE SEEING IT?
One reasonable answer is that if these things aren't happening in our lives, then perhaps it is US who are believing (and thus doing) something in error.
"the wise man examines himself..."
...and so it becomes only sensible (and thus spiritual!) to investigate - then rebuild our lives on the solid rock of eternal Truth rather than the shifting sand of our (limited!) experience.
But just because we may not be seeing it (yet)...
doesn't mean that He was lying.
Jesus said "my burden is LIGHT."
In the workshop, we'll uncover how it is MUCH lighter than the burdens we are ALREADY carrying (most of which we carry unknowingly! :-o )
Wouldn't it feel good to drop your heavy burden and take up his easy, light one instead?
Answer: YES! :-)
Only one 'catch':
we have to face the truth/reality.
There is a 'disconnect' somewhere.
Something is indeed wrong.
In the workshop
we're all going to find out what it is,
for each of us.
bring your courage
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© 2007-2012 Paul Andrews